Category: Hamura
Omamori Run
It’s been a very rainy week, culminating in a typhoon Friday that rather fizzled out. The forecast for Saturday was not very optimistic, but it was the only gap in the weather for the foreseeable future, so I set out early with a bag full of Nana’s world-famous onigiri. I’d been casting about on Friday…
Pinarello Pinarello Trek Merida
The forecast for the weekend had been favorable, cloudy and mild with a slight chance of rain Saturday night. I had a doctor’s appointment Saturday morning and so I decided to ride on Sunday, planning on an early departure (following the world cup finale) and a long ride. When daylight broke Sunday morning, though, it…
Detox Fondo
We’ve been eating out — and drinking — far too much this past week. I wasn’t sure I’d be in shape to ride today, but it’s the only chance for a few days so I decided to go for it. I wanted to get in a 100km fondo. Given my weakened feeble fragile overall state,…
Fujisan and Sakura
I’ve been moaning about the fact I have a four-day weekend and the forecast is for rain the whole time. But the weather relented yesterday and I got a mostly rain-free ride, with the added benefit of sakura. The day started out looking a bit bleak after the previous night’s rain, but we were graced…
Leg-stretcher century
Not much to say about this ride except I’d set out with a more ambitious goal, but my thighs were out of gas following Thursday’s summit of Otarumi Touge. I did bounce back a bit after polishing off the last of Nana’s world famous onigiri, but I was also traveling slightly downhill at this point.…
After yesterday’s gully-washing rain, it dawned cloudy this morning, with mixed weather forecasts. When Nana woke up, though, she said there was no chance of rain. I was determined to ride the three rivers, which I’d originally done with José for my kanreki. It’s also the ride I’d set out to do during Golden Week,…
Golden Week Wrap
I set out yesterday morning with the intention of completing the Three Rivers ride, which I’d last done just before my birthday in November. But I was facing a couple of big challenges. First, I’d set out nearly and hour and a half later than I had in November. And then, as soon as I…
Ill-Starred Century
I spent most of the day yesterday helping José install floor covering in his new flat, followed by far too much delicious pizza and fries for dinner. I got a lot of sleep last night, but my thighs were still tender this morning. It took 20km or more just to work out the cramps and…
Mikan metric
We were shocked to wake up yesterday to non-stop tsunami warnings on the television, with a prominent “Run!” heading flashing over affected areas. But it soon became evident there was no danger for us here in Tokyo, and even the most-threatened areas of the Japan homeland would be facing nothing like the 2011 tsunami. We…