Category: Resources

  • Hotel options for rides

    Shimanami Kaido 竹庭 清正乃湯 4km from the end of the route in Imabari, very flat Kasumigaura 潮来ホテル 500m from Itako Station

  • Ready Spready Go

    We’re planning on reaching Scotland in late June or early July, so we probably won’t need to consult Transport Scotland’s Trunk Road Gritter Tracker. However, I’m not quite willing to leave this to chance, so I’m saving the link here. Many of the gritters have been assigned names by schoolchildren, and the tracker allows you…

  • Warm Showers and Couch Surfing

    Friend Lee shares two resources for crowd-sourcing hospitality: Couch Surfing It’s not a niche (cycling) crowd, and I found I put more time into considering which people NOT to send requests to. But hosts are all ages, so one simply rapidly gets better at identifying hosts you’d imagine being comfortable around. But when a profile…

  • Miscellaneous Resources

    Caitlin Giddings of Bicycling shares the wealth of experience gained from a US coast-to-coast ride: 9 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Riding Across the Country.

  • Transportation Resources

    We’re going to have to work out the logistics of getting our bodies and bikes to Land’s End and then back home from John o’Groats. (Given enough time, of course, we could cycle it … ) Friend Lee helpfully points out the Caledonian Sleeper as an overnight ride home from Inverness to London. The Caledonian…

  • Some Commercial Resources

    There are a lot of commercial resources for lejog, ranging from route map books to fully guided tours. Cycle: End-to-End Cycling Land’s End to John o’Groats? Get the End to End pack Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycling Holidays End to End / LEJOG End to End Cycle Route – A Safer Way B&B Reviews