Month: April 2023
A fragment of your life
I set out early this morning (although about 20 minutes later than planned) in hopes of riding 100km, and thus bringing my monthly total to 600km. I’ve only done this twice before — once being Lejog of course. The weather seemed perfect for it: mild, sunny, some clouds. But I was disabused of this the…
Sunday afternoon
Following yesterday’s issues with the tire valve, I brought Kuroko up to the Workshop in the Sky. Mostly I wanted to clean and oil the chain, which I did without fanfare. But I also wanted to resolve the issues with the inner tube’s valve and the pump. I’d pumped up the inner tube itself yesterday…
A lie propagated by Big Cloud
With a forecast of sun and 0% chance of rain, with a high of 20C, I was planning for a nice long ride. I’d set the alarm clock and told Nana I was leaving at 8 sharp. I woke up to completely overcast skies and a chilly, howling wind. I immediately revised my plans, figuring…
This post has no pictures
At last the stars aligned and I had my first ride on Dionysus since putting the front tire on the right way round. I can’t say I noticed any difference in the ride. I’d spent some time sorting out the brakes. The rear is much improved and both brakes perform adequately — good enough for…
Getting the tire on the right way round
The forecast has been for rain all weekend, so I glumly concluded it would be a good chance for some bicycle maintenance. When I woke up this morning the forecast was improving — just a slight chance of rain in the afternoon — but when I looked out the window it was grey and misty.…
Unfortunately, there’s video
With the office closed for Good Friday, I had a three-day weekend. It rained the first two days, but Sunday was warm and sunny. I headed up the Tamagawa, having to shout my way through a gaggle of middle school boys more interested in chatting and texting than they were in watching where they were…
Kafun Kawagoe
I had plans to be on the road early this morning and rack up a number of kilometers before returning home, but when I woke at 5 a.m. I had a lot of back pain. I resolved to take it easy, and turned off the alarm clock to let Nana sleep in a bit more.…