Month: April 2021

  • Weather update

    It didn’t rain after all The anticipated rain which delayed the start of my ride yesterday never materialized after all. But after the ride was over, the wind picked up considerably. We closed the windows of our flat around dinnertime. This morning as I departed for the office I was greeted by a visual reminder…

  • One before the rain

    One before the rain

    I’d planned to cycle at least 100km today, and perhaps go as far as 140. I was starting to get ready at 8 a.m. when Nana said, “You’re not going riding, are you? It’s going to rain.” Oh. Well, I have plenty to do around the house. I relaxed for a bit and then started…

  • Kawagoe windy and wet

    Kawagoe windy and wet

    I just rode to Kawagoe a couple of weeks ago, but when the weather turned unexpectedly sunny today, I couldn’t resist going again. I’m getting quite familiar with the ride out Yamate Dori and Nakasendo to Arakawa. The signpost at the top of the levee is a regular landmark for me.   The course was…

  • I knew that I would now

    I knew that I would now

    I didn’t go far today, just the usual run down to Haneda and back. The weather was really nice, with bright, hazy skies and not much wind. With such nice weather on a weekend, though, there were a lot of careless people out on the Tamagawa cycling course. I had to stay alert. I made…

  • Kawagoe on a beautiful day

    Kawagoe on a beautiful day

    I visited Kawagoe more than five years ago with Nana and her family. We went by train that time, and it took so long to get there I didn’t realize how close it was until I accompanied Fearless Leader Joe when he borrowed Dionysus for a stay in Saitama. I was very surprised to find…

  • Once more around the park, driver

    Once more around the park, driver

    With a late start this morning and a longer ride planned for tomorrow, I was in the mood for a shorter ride today. Between my two typical short courses — Haneda and the Tokyo Landmarks — I chose the latter. The skies were grey when I departed, with the forecast for more of the same…