Close-up of bicycle crankset area showing mud spattering

Post-ride clean-up

We splashed through a few muddy puddles during the Tsukuba-Kasumigaura Ring-Ring Road ride, so Kuroko was in desperate need of a bath. I also wanted to get more sealant into the tires to stop the slow seeping of air.

Bicycle tire gauge showing less than 20psi
Less than 20psi

Just four days after filling the tires up to 45psi, they were down to less than 20. In fact, as I discovered in Itako, they would lose that much in just five or six hours.

Tubeless tire, sealant and sealant injector
A bit messy

I’d got a hypo for the sealant with a valve that is supposed to let me add the sealant without removing the tire valve. But I couldn’t get it to work out, and the result was a bit of a mess (as can be seen). So I removed the valve from the hypo and the valve from the tire, and things were pretty straightforward after that. I tried to give each tire about 90ml, but when I poured the sealant into the top of the hypo it just flowed right through into the tire. So anyway, I added a lot more to each tire.

I wanted to get a picture of using the hypo to add the sealant through the valve, but — have I mentioned this yet? — the process is a bit messy. Besides, despite my considerable achievements over the years, I still have only two hands.

Close-up of tubeless tire on rim showing line of sealant
Thin white line

Close-up of tubeless tire on rim showing line of sealant
Thin white blobs, actually

After reinflating the tires to 60psi, I immediately heard the hissing of air escaping. After spinning the tires around for a few seconds, the hissing stopped and beads of white latex appeared where the tires were seated on the rims.

Small beads of latex on the sidewalls
Small beads of latex on the sidewalls

After a bit more spinning, I noticed small beads of latex seeping through the sidewalls, sealing up the tiny holes there. I’d heard these tires were known for the weeping sidewalls, so it’s good to see the sealant doing the job here.

Splish splash

Close-up of bicycle crankset area showing mud spattering

With the tires sorted, it was time to do something about the grime. Before breaking out the cleanser and brushes, though, I decided to record some of the mud for posterity.

Close-up of muddy bicycle wheel
Grime story

Close-up of bicycle showing muddy downtube, water bottle and wheel
Cleanliness is next to impossible

Close-up of mud-spattered bicycle derailleurClose-up of mud spattered bicycle derailleur
Here … and here

After a few minutes with the cleanser, brushes and sprayer, the bike was looking a lot better (if not quite perfect).

Close-up of bicycle crankset after cleaning
Let it shine, shine, shine

Chain cleaner in operation on bicycle chain
New chain cleaner

I got a new chain cleaner because the clasp on the previous one wasn’t holding together any more. This Park Tool beauty works a lot better, with a lot less spitting of the degreaser.

Finally, I didn’t forget to clean my shoes!

Mud-begrimed cycling shoes
Shoes before

Spraying water on bicycle shoes
Getting a good hosing down

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One response to “Post-ride clean-up”

  1. […] mechanicals to report for Kuroko. The tires are holding air a little better after my work yesterday, and there’s almost no squealing from the brakes following the adjustment the morning. The […]

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