Detail of rear axle showing DT Swiss logo

Easy swap: new thru axles

Old and new thru axles side by side
Old and new

One nagging issue with Kuroko has been the rear thru axle, which tends to work itself loose. Sometimes this happens mid-ride, and the rear wheel starts to wiggle a bit in the frame.

Having the rear wheel loose, even a bit, can cause missed shifts and rubbing brakes. It can be a bit difficult to sort out these issues, though, if you’re already dealing with shifting and brake issues from other causes. I’ve had it on my mental checklist for some time now to check the thru axle from time to time, before each ride and during rest stops. It just happened again during yesterday’s ride.

I’d been looking for replacements for some time, and was surprised the wheel vendor didn’t stock them. The reason is that different frames have different drop-out widths, apparently. Anyway, the only places I found the original parts were Alibaba and eBay, so I started looking for compatible items from other makers. A lot of vendors offer the axles but their websites can be surprisingly vague on specific measurements. I finally found an axle I was pleased with on a site that was clear about the specs: DT Swiss.

Replacing the axles was a matter of a moment’s work — they’re made to be easily removable, after all.

Detail of front wheel with old axle
Out with the old

Detail of front axle showing DT Swiss logo
Done with the front

Detail of rear wheel with old axle
Out with the old

Detail of rear axle showing DT Swiss logo
Done on the rear

With that done, I put Kuroko back on the stand and ran through the gears a couple of times. Like butter. And that’s it for today. I’d thought about riding but the Halfakid begged off. The threat of rain seems to have evaporated. But in the end Nana said she needs me at home today.

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One response to “Easy swap: new thru axles”

  1. […] bit squeaky, but that’s not a big deal (and can be nearly impossible to get rid of). The new thru axles were locked in place with no slipping. But when I left the cycle path after nearly 100km, a […]

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