Adventure Syndicate member Jenny Graham is attempting the women’s unsupported around-the-world cycling record, and she will depart on the same day as Vedangi, covered previously.
While Vedangi plans to set out from Perth, Jenny will begin from Berlin. The routes are largely similar (as dictated by the terms of the Guinness Book of World Records), but the contrasts between the women are strong. Vedangi, at 19 years old, is a frustrated footballer. Jenny, a 37-year-old mother, hails from Scotland and began distance cycling in 2015 with the Highland Trail 550. Vedangi sets her daily goal at 260km to 300km, for an overall 130 days, while Jenny puts it at firm 290km and 110 days.
Who will take the prize? We probably won’t know until early October, but we believe that embarking on the challenge is the noteworthy accomplishment.
Read Apidura’s profile of Jenny Graham, or follow Jenny on facecbook, twitter and Instagram. Read more about Jenny’s attempt at The Adventure Syndicate.
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