CyclingAbout stalwart Alee has compiled a list of his gear for his incipient tour of the Americas. He’s put together what he figures he’ll need to live for two years, and got it all into 25kg (less the bike, of course).
I’m hoping to do a lot better than that for lejog. Of course, we’re packing for two weeks and not two years, and we’ll have a far less extreme range of weather to prepare for, insh’Allah. For a start I think I can do without a razor for a couple of weeks.
One detail I’ll need to discuss with Fearless Leader Joe is whether we’ll be cooking our own meals or living off the land: i.e., dining at whatever restaurants are available along the way. If the latter, we may want to consider some options for a hot morning cuppa. While the Airspresso Espresso Maker looks clever, it would require us to bring a stove that wouldn’t otherwise be needed. I’m thinking it would be easier just to bring a thermos and ask restaurants to fill it full of piping hot coffee each evening.
I’m absolutely certain though that we can get by with far less than 5kg of electronics. As for me, it will be a smartphone, Garmin and compact camera, with the chargers/adapters for those. Alee is planning on charging up at each town. But for those of us sleeping rough, we need other options. I believe FLJ’s new bike will have a dynamo hub, and I’m looking into solar chargers (risky for the UK, I know).
The real challenge for me will be to lose 10kg (or more) of the ol’ BMI before the big ride.
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