Month: December 2017

  • Vies Verdes Girona

    Vies Verdes Girona

    Vies Verdes Girona is a website of cycling routes in the Costa Brava region of Catalonia in northeastern Spain. The routes include former highways, cattle tracks and light rail lines. The site, part of the Girona Greenways Consortium, includes links for areas of interest along the routes and useful information such as tourist offices.

  • Sometimes you just concentrate on each crank turn

    Sometimes you just concentrate on each crank turn

    Alee of CyclingAbout has begun his two-year Argentina-Alaska ride, and is starting out with some rough weather. Alee writes: If there are strong winds all day, then you hit one of these signs… good luck staying upright!! ☠️ Here I am trying my darndest to ride in a straight line. See Alee’s itinerary here.

  • Bike mirrors and the Japan premium

    Long ago, when I was a college student, I had a helmet mirror and it was perfect for my needs. For my current bike, Ol’ Paint, I have a mirror mounted low on the front fork. It’s not nearly as effective as my old helmet mirror. I started searching for mirrors the fit on eyeglasses.…

  • Warm Showers and Couch Surfing

    Friend Lee shares two resources for crowd-sourcing hospitality: Couch Surfing It’s not a niche (cycling) crowd, and I found I put more time into considering which people NOT to send requests to. But hosts are all ages, so one simply rapidly gets better at identifying hosts you’d imagine being comfortable around. But when a profile…

  • Hot java to go

    Friend Lee chimes in response to the 25kg gear list post with his personal selection of gear for enjoying a hot cuppa while cyclotouring. First up is the 73g MSR PocketRocket 2 camp stove. Lee likes to mix his freshly boiled water with some instant Starbucks coffee directly in a Hyrdro Flask vacuum bottle. And…

  • 25kg gear list

    CyclingAbout stalwart Alee has compiled a list of his gear for his incipient tour of the Americas. He’s put together what he figures he’ll need to live for two years, and got it all into 25kg (less the bike, of course). I’m hoping to do a lot better than that for lejog. Of course, we’re…

  • Resfeber


    n. The restless beat of a traveller’s heart before the journey begins, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. You’ve been counting down the days, and now you’re counting down the hours. Your hearts knows that it’s going on a journey and you cannot sit still as a result. So pick up your backpack, put on…